Department's Profile

Our research activities mainly focus on the analysis of policies affecting the critical triangle of agricultural and rural development.

Through our research and teaching activities, we seek to contribute to an improved understanding of the trade-offs between and synergies among the three objectives equity, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.




Rural Development Theory and Policy (490a)
Wollgrasweg 43
70599 Stuttgart, Germany

Phone (Secretary) :
+49 711 459 22794 (Katharina Mayer)
+49 711 459 23302 (Gabriele Kircher)


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Master thesis opportunity Madagascar Tulear

Socio-economic field research for Master thesis in a rice irrigation plain in a semiarid region in the north of Toliary, Madagascarmore

Neue Themen für Masterarbeiten

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M.Sc. thesis topics

The Chair of Rural Development Theory and Policy is offering new M.Sc. thesis topics.more

M.Sc. Module "Quantitative Methods in Economics" rated one of the best Master Modules!
