Discussion Papers for Download
01/2010: Targeting of and outreach to the poor by rural development Nonprofit Organizations in Cameroon (Azibo Roland Balgah and Gertrud Buchenrieder)
02/2010: Certification as an upgrading strategy for smallscale farmers and their cooperatives: A value chain analysis for Nicaraguan coffee (Anna Kiemen and Tina Beuchelt)
03/2010: Drought impacts and related risk management by smallholder farmers in developing countries: evidence from Awash River Basin, Ethiopia (Conrad Murendo, Alwin Keil and Manfred Zeller)
01/2008: Use of household food insecurity scales for assessing poverty in Bangladesh and Uganda (Gabriela Alcaraz and Manfred Zeller)
02/2008: Payments for Environmental Services - Incentives through Carbon Sequestration Compensation for Cocoa-based Agroforestry Systems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (Christina Seeberg-Elverfeldt, Stefan Schwarze and Manfred Zeller)
03/2008: Land titling policy and soil conservation in the Uplands of northern Vietnam (Camille Saint-Macary, Alwin Keil, Manfred Zeller, Franz Heidhues and Pham Thi My Dung)
04/2008: Maize boom in the uplands of Northern Vietnam: economic importance and environmental implications (Alwin Keil, Camille Saint-Macary and Manfred Zeller)
05/2008: Insurance Preferences of Smallholders: Results from an Adaptive Conjoint Analysis in Northern Vietnam (Isabel Fischer and Gertrud Buchenrieder)
06/2008: Linkages between poverty and sustainable agricultural and rural development in the uplands of Southeast Asia (Manfred Zeller, Tina Beuchelt, Isabel Fischer and Franz Heidhues)
01/2006: Land property, tenure security and credit access: A historical perspective of change processes in China (Stephan Piotrowski and Xiangping Jia)
02/2006: Agricultural sciences in Upland Northern Vietnam: Situating research in a dynamic environment (Rupert Friederichsen)
03/2006: Vitamin A and iron consumption and the role of indigenous vegetables: A household level analysis in the Philippines (Mireille Hönicke, Olivier Ecker, Matin Qaim and Katinka Weinberger)
04/2006: Potential impacts of iron biofortification in India (A.J. Stein, M. Qaim, J.V. Meenakshi, P. Nestel, H.P.S. Sachdev and Z.A. Bhutta)
05/2006: Can genetic engineering for the poor pay off? An ex-ante evaluation of Goleden Rice in India (Alexander J. Stein, H.P.S. Sachdev and Matin Qaim)
Discussion Papers 2005
01/2005: Outreach of credit institutes and households' access constraints to formal credit in Northern Vietnam (Thomas Dufhues and Gertrud Buchenrieder)
02/2005: Debt Position of Developing Countries and New Initiatives for Debt Reduction A Panel Data Fixed Effects Estimation of the Impacts of the HIPC Initiatives (Nazaire Houssou and Franz Heidhues)
01/2004: Comparative advantage of Vietnam’s rice sector under different liberalisation scenarios - A Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) study (Nguyen Manh Hai and Franz Heidhues)
02/2004: Regional Development Perspectives in Vietnam - Insights from a 2002 Provincial Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) (Clemens Breisinger and Franz Heidhues)
03/2004: On the Distribution and Adoption of Genetically Modified Seeds in Developing Countries (Arnab K. Basu and Matin Qaim)
04/2004: Media Supported Communication in Agricultural Extension and Participatory Rural Development in Northern Thailand (Isabel Fischer)
05/2004: Constraints and potential of livestock insurance schemes - A case study from Vietnam (Thomas Dufhues, Ute Lemke and Isabel Fischer)
06/2004: Assessing participation in agricultural research projects: An analytical framework (Andreas Neef and Dieter Neubert)
01/2003: Towards demand-driven financial services in Northern Vietnam: A participatory analysis of customer preferences (Thomas Dufhues, Gertrud Buchenrieder, Franz Heidhues, and Pham Thi My Dung)
02/2003: Visualizing rural financial market research in Northern Vietnam through pictures (Meike Geppert and Thomas Dufhues)
01/2002: Subsistence Agriculture in Development: Its Role in Processes of Structural Change (Michael Brüntrup and Franz Heidhues)
02/2002: Farmers’ Rights and Intellectual Property Rights - Reconciling Conflicting Concepts (Daniel Alker and Franz Heidhues)
03/2002: A Cross-Country Comparison of Non-Farm Rural Employment in Macedonia & Slovenia (Gertrud Buchenrieder, Judith Möllers and Franz Heidhues)
04/2002: Armutsreduzierung durch Einkommensdiversifizierung - Eine Studie im ländlichen Kosovo (Judith Knüpfer, Sherif Xhema und Gertrud Buchenrieder)
01/2001: Landnutzungsentscheidungen ethnischer Minderheiten im Kontext der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen Nordthailands (Judith Knüpfer)
02/2001: WTO and Food Security: Strategies for Developing Countries (Sabine Daude)
03/2001: Rural Poverty Alleviation Through Non-farm Income in Transition Economies (Judith Knüpfer and Gertrud Buchenrieder)
04/2001: Fuzzy information policy of the Vietnam Bank for the Poor in lending to and targeting of the poor in Northern Vietnam (Thomas Dufhues, Pham Thi My Dung, Ha Thi Hanh, and Gertrud Buchenrieder)
01/2000: Poverty alleviation as intervention in complex and dynamic social fields (D. Neubert)
02/2000: Does land tenure security enhance sustainable land management? Evidence from mountainous regions of Thailand and Vietnam (A. Neef, C. Sangkapitux and K. Kirchmann)
03/2000: The development of the rural nonfarm sector in transition economies - Implication of capital intensity on labor productivity and employment (B. Breitschopf and G. Schrieder)
04/2000: Urban Bias in Reverse: Have Urban Small Enterprises Been Neglected by Policy Makers and Bankers in Thailand? (W. Erhardt)
05/2000: Impact of Agricultural Policy and Food Security: An Agricultural Sector Modelling Approach for Benin (J. Senahoun, F. Heidhues and D. Deybe)
06/2000: Globalisierung, Einkommensverteilung und ländliche Regionalentwicklung in Entwicklungsländern (F. Heidhues)
07/2000: The Future of World, National and Household Food Security (F. Heidhues)
08/2000: Improving Bankability of Small Farmers in Northern Vietnam (G. Buchenrieder (née Schrieder) and I. Theesfeld)
09/2000: Economic Appraisal of Sugarcane Production in Peasant Households in the Son La Province, Northern Vietnam (T. Dufhues)
10/2000: Decentralisation in Peru's Agricultural Policy:A Critical Review from 1993 to 1998 (A. Heuft and G. Buchenrieder (née Schrieder))
01/1999: Rural Financial Market Development (F. Heidhues and G. Schrieder)
02/1999: The social dimension of policy reforms (F. Heidhues, C. Karege, B. Schaefer and G. Schrieder)
03/1999: The social dimension of reforms and World Bank case studies (F. Heidhues, W. Erhardt, A. Gronski and G. Schrieder)
04/1999: Credit for poor and low-income entrepreneurs in urban and rural Northern Thailand (W. Erhardt)
05/1999: Structural adjustment programs and soil erosion: a bio-economic modelling approach for Northern Benin (J. Senahoun, F. Heidhues and D. Deybe)
06/1999: An Economic Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Rice farmers at Delta region in Myanmar (Thanda Kyi and M. von Oppen)
07/1999: Rural regional development in transition economies: Country case Romania (G. Schrieder, J. Munz and R. Jehle)
08/1999: Measuring Efficiency in Agricultural Research: strength and Limitations of Data Envelopment Analysis (F. Hartwich and T. Kyi)