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Current M.Sc. thesis topic offers

Adoption of productivity enhancing technologies and soil and water conservation practices in rural Ethiopia: trends and role of social capital.

  • The main objective of this research would relate to the study of PETs and SWC practices' adoption trends and the role of social capital in the adoption of technologies. 
  • Data: Panel data of 400 rural households will be provided 
  • Requirements:

                                                   i.      Basic knowledge of panel data models

                                                 ii.      working knowledge of STATA

Main supervisor: Dr. Orkhan Sariyev

Income diversification and agricultural technology adoption in Ethiopia

  • The main objective would be to study the implications of non-farm employment and income generation on the adoption of productivity enhancing technologies and soil and water conservation practices
  • Data: Panel data of 400 rural households will be provided 
  • Requirements:

                                                   i.      Basic knowledge of panel data and binary response models

                                                 ii.      working knowledge of STATA 


Main supervisor: Dr. Orkhan Sariyev

Health knowledge about iron-deficiency anemia in Guatemala and its link to food and nutrition security

  • The main objective of the research is to examine whether knowledge about anemia, such as its causes and symptoms, is associated with dietary iron intake and iron deficiency
  • Data: Two rounds of household survey and nutrition data of 900 rural households in Guatemala will be provided
  • Requirements:

i.              Knowledge of panel data analysis

ii.             Interest in the study of food and nutrition security 

iii.            Working knowledge of STATA


Main supervisor: Dr. Ling Yee Khor

Wealth equity and its link to subjective wellbeing

  • The main objective of the research is to examine the wealth equity of farm households and how it is linked to various subjective wellbeing indicators, such as happiness and relative wealth as perceived by the farm households themselves
  • Data: Cross-sectional household survey data of 400 households in Myanmar or Egypt will be provided
  • Requirements:

i.              Interest in the study of subjective wellbeing

ii.             Working knowledge of STATA


Main supervisor: Dr. Ling Yee Khor

Does time poverty during childhood translate to poor educational outcomes during adulthood

  • Objective: To understand the effect of time poverty (spending much time with housework, having too little time for study and leisure) during childhood on educational and labor outcomes
  • Data: Secondary data sources with guidance form the supervisor
  • Requirements: Good command of Stata/R and basic knowledge of panel data models


Main Supervisor: Bezawit Bahru, M.Sc.

Intra-household time allocation and the role of gender norms in Ethiopia

  • Objective: Gender norms prescribe unpaid work (e.g. caring for children and elderly, cooking, cleaning, etc.) to women and paid work to men. While men and women’s comparative advantage and efficiency in time allocation support part of this division of labor, a huge portion of this division is merely due to societal agreement of what men and women should do and could be changed. The objective of this study will be to understand the role of gender norms in men and women’s time allocation and propose possible intervention to change norms.
  • Data: the student will gather qualitative data. Supervisors will facilitate application for funding.
  • Requirements: Good knowledge of qualitative research methods. 


Main Supervisor: Bezawit Bahru, M.Sc.

What are the source of misidentification in crop technology adoption in Ethiopia?

  • Objective: To identify individual, household and community level factors that contribute to crop varietal misidentification and misallocation in crop production in Ethiopia
  • Data: Secondary data sources with guidance form he supervisor plus primary data collected from the field.
  • Requirements: Good command of Stata or R, basic knowledge of panel data models, and good knowledge of qualitative research methods.


Main Supervisor: Bezawit Bahru, M.Sc.

Understanding the production, distribution and acquisition of improved seeds in Ethiopia

  • Objective: To understand the process of seed production, distribution and acquisition in Ethiopia.
  • Data: The student will gather qualitative data. Supervisors will also facilitate application for funding.
  • Requirements: Good knowledge of qualitative research methods.


Main Supervisor: Bezawit Bahru, M.Sc.

Completed Theses

Completed Bachelor and Master Theses

Name Topic Year
 Qasim, A.N  Financial and Social Performance of Microfinance Plus: A Quantitative Analysis (Unpublished master’s thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.   .  2023
 Acheampong, I  Income diversification and agricultural technology adoption in Ethiopia (Unpublished master’s thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.   .  2023
 Ngawang, N  Economic assessment of crop and livestock insurance scheme in Bhutan (Unpublished master’s thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.   .  2022
 Fosah, G  Analysis of Technical Efficiency amongst smallholder farms: The case of Southwestern Ethiopia (Unpublished master’s thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.   .  2021
 Cooray, S  Econometric analysis of the linkage of rural household’s market orientation and food security: evidence from Ethiopia (Unpublished master’s thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.   .  2021
 Bhattarai, M  Resilience, social capital and adoption of climate-smart technology among farm households in Nepal (Unpublished master’s thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.   .  2021
 Bahru B  Climatic shocks, child undernutriton and health outcomes: A quantitative analysis using the Young Lives cohort study (Unpublished master’s thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.   .  2017
 Dantas, I  Improved varieties of maize and mineral fertilizer in Kenya: Determinants and intensity of use by smallholder farmers (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2017
 Rojas, L  "Towards a new Colombian Countryside": Proposed actions, outcomes, and challenges for implementation of the agreement on rural development (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2017
 Sariyev, O  Gender and technology adoption in Ethiopia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2017
 Abate, Y  Assessing the technical efficiency of maize farming in the Hebei province of China (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Superviser: PD Dr.  Siddig) 2016
 Hieber, B  Cattle beef production in Namibia in the context of climate change (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Superviser: PD Dr.  Siddig) 2016
 Husen, N  Social capital and agricultural technology adoption among Ethiopian farmers (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Superviser: PD Dr.  Siddig) 2016
 Issack, B  Factors affecting risk attitudes of the Ethiopian households: The role of trust in risk assessment (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Superviser: PD Dr.  Siddig) 2016
 Negari, S  Technology adoption and welfare in Ethiopia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Superviser: PD Dr.  Siddig) 2016
 Mehta, Y  Farm diversification and household poverty: Lessons from Indian panel data (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2016
 Muli, C  Contribution of household subsistence orientation to food security: A case study from Yen Chau District - northern Vietnam (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Superviser: PD Dr.  Siddig) 2016
 Villalba, V  Effect of household definitions on welfare indicators (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Superviser: PD Dr.  Siddig) 2016
 Schweiger, M  Innovation strategies of Ethiopian smallholder farmers and their effects on food security (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2015
 Thu, N.G .  Rice cultivation based on alternate wetting and drying irrigation - An analysis of technology adoption and economic efficiency in Bac Lieu province of Vietnam (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2015
 Yuquilema, J  Assessing land use diversity within subsistence production to achieve food security in northern Vietnam (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Supervisor: PD Dr.  Siddig) 2015
 Merckens, S  Sustainability of small scale water harvest and irrigation systems in the Bolivian Andes and its impacts on the livelihoods of the beneficiaries (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2014
 Mpofu, N  An analysis of value chain of Chitetezo Mbaula Cookstove in Dedza District, Malawi (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2014
 Asante-Addo, C  Factors influencing farmers’ credit constraints and participation in microcredit programs in the Nkoranza North and South Districts of Ghana (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2012
 Birkenberg, A.K  Relating access to and dependency on natural resources to rural livelihoods and well-being: A case study of three villages in Mae Chaem District, Northern Thailand (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Won the Hans H.  Ruthenberg Graduate Award and NatureLife Sustainability Prize) 2012
 Dhakal, G .  Risk attitudes and risk management strategies of farm households in Northern Vietnam (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2012
 Biru, W .  The impact of land certification on land related investment and land market participation in Ethiopia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2012
 Hardilo, Z  Weather related and other shocks affecting smallholder farm households in rural Ethiopia: what are risk management strategies and resilience factors? (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  Funded by Tropenzentrumsmittel.  2012
 McNulty, E  An economic analysis of contract farming in the Visayas, Philippines.   (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2012
 Njiru, E  Early warning indicators of a loan default crisis: An empirical analysis of the Cambodian microfinance sector (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2012
 Schröder, C  Women, social capital and collective action – The case of NERICA rice technology (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2012
 Schwarz, J  The influence of insecure land tenure on upland agriculture in the Philippines (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2012
 Shitawa, F  An economic evaluation of organic and conventional cotton production in Singida region of Tanzania (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .    2012
 Bosch, C  Impact assessment of biofuels plantation using panel household data (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2011
 Büttner, M  Milk sales by Maasai in Tanzania – Who benefits? A gender analysis at household and clan level (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2011
 Corral, P  Gender related differences in farm productivity in Tanzania (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2011
 Njiru, E.N .  Early warning indicators of a loan default crisis: An empirical analysis of the Cambodian microfinance sector (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2011
 Weigl, J.L .  Comparative analysis of agricultural development in rural areas for Russia and China: Trends and Perspectives (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2011
 Azeez, K  Large scale land acquisitions in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa: A review of literature with case studies (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Bacalso, J  Financial analysis of different agroforestry combinations in Claveria, Philippines (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Baumann, S.M .   Measuring food security in Laos: Validation of the world food programme’s food consumption score for the Lao context (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2010
 Bui, K.A .   Role of social networks.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany 2010
 Chomen, M  Financial and economic analysis of ethanol production from sugar molasses: A case study of an integrated sugar plant in Ethiopia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Gwavuja, S  The economics of energy sources in rural Ethiopia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Kandel, B  Happiness as a measure of development performance: A review of the concept and empirical models (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Kumwembe, G  Targeting agricultural subsidies: An evaluation of the Malawi agricultural input subsidy program (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Mndewa, L  Assessing profitability of Jatropha to contracted smallholder farmers: A case study in Mpanda district of Tanzania (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Rogall, O  Microfinance and vulnerability to poverty – The evidence from rural households in Cambodia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Tun, Y  Impact of rising food prices on the welfare of rural households in the region of Krabi, Thailand (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2010
 Azeez, K  Foreign direct investment in agricultural production: Win-Win deals or neo-colonialism (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2009
 Bacalso, J  Financial analysis of different agroforestry combinations in Claveria, Philippines (Unpublished master's thesis) University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. . .  2009
 Chen, J   Determinants of fertilizer use in the north china plain (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2009
 Chotruangprasert, K  Do coffee farmers in Northern Thailand benefit from fairtrade? (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2009
 Kalipalire, Z   Rainfall variability, food security, and coping and adaptation strategies in Tanzania (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2009
 Murendo, C  Rainfall variability, food security, climate coping and adaptation strategies of rural communities in Awash Basin, Ethiopia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2009
 Setzer, K  Smallholder cooperatives in the coffee value chain – a roasters’ and importers’ perspective (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .    2009
 Thürbeck, N  An assessment of vulnerability of rural households in Mexico (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2009
 Tun, Y  Impact of rising food prices on the welfare of rural households in the region of Krabi, Thailand (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2009
 Ufer, S  Coping and adaptation strategies of rural households in response to rice and maize price variability in Northern Vietnam (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  (Won the Euro league for Life Sciences (ELLS) Prize in 2010).  2009
 Abienwi, L  Technical and financial analysis of biofuel crops for marginal land (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2008
 Ako Y.M .  Potential of bioethanol and biodiesel production in Tanzania – A projection towards 2025 (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2008
 Flaig, D  Budgethilfe oder Projekthilfe in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2008
 Goribar, A  Evaluation of food security changes among beneficiaries of the Oportunidades in Colima/Mexico (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2008
 Hailu, B  Determinants of the adoption of agricultural technologies in rural Ethiopia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2008
 Jahn, A  Der Weltreismarkt: Struktur und Prognoseanalyse zu Angebot und Nachfrage (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2008
 Loos, T  Socio-economic impact of a Jatropha-Project on smallholder farmers in Mpanda, Tanzania – case study of a Public-Private-Partnership Project (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2008
 Melka, A  Potential of bioethanol and biodiesel production in Tanzania – A projection towards 2025 (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2008
 Meyer, W  Income diversification of farm households in Albania.  Ausgezeichnet mit dem Preis der Euroleague for Life Sciences (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2008
 Nisar, A  Biofuel in South Asia: An assessment of the current biofuel policies with special focus on the biofuel production and their possible utilization.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2008
 Pham Thanh, L  Smallholder production of green tea in Northern Vietnam: An economic analysis of profitability, factor productivity, and choice of marketing contract (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2008
 Wu, Y  Customer satisfaction with bank cards among rural migrant workers in Guang Dong Province, China (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2008
 Antonova, M  Beef supply response in Russia during the transition period.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2007
 Chen, W  Empirical measurement of multi-dimensional welfare following Amartya Sen’s theory: An application to secondary household data from Bangladesh.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2007
 Kärger, A  Analyse der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Energiebilanz im Bioethanolsektor.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2007
 Mbakwa, M  The impact of access to microfinance on women: A case study in Cameroon.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2007
 Metzler, J  Explorative economic analysis of Jatropha Curcas.  Case study at the Visayas State University, Philippines (Unpublished bachelor thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2007
 Pankomera, P  Household food security in Malawi: Measurement, determinants, and policy review.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2007
 Staacke, Christian (2007   Wirkungsanalyse eines Mikrokreditprojektes der GTZ in der Provinz Bokeo/Laos (Unpublished bachelor thesis). University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. . . 
 Tebusabwa, M  Assessment of microfinance outreach in Uganda.  A case study of Mukono District (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2007
 Wisal, M   Evaluating a poverty assessment tool developed by FINCA.  (Unpublished master's thesis) University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2007
 Amuji, C  Corruption in the public sector of Nigeria: A literature review of measurement methods and empirical evidence.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2006
 Milan, F  The politics, landowners' resistance and peasants' struggle for genuine land reform in the Philippines.  (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  2006
 Van Dinh, T  Development of poverty assessment tools based on Vietnam living standard measurement survey (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2006
 Anggraeni, T  Market structure and price variability of agricultural products in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  .  2005
 Appiah, K  Determinants of success of community-based irrigation management in Northern Ghana.   In Zusammenarbeit mit Dr.  Engel (ZEF Bonn) (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany 2005
 Van Edig, X  An operational proxy-means poverty assessment method for Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.  Ausgezeichnet mit dem Hans H.  Ruthenberg-Graduierten-Förderpreis der Vater und Sohn Eiselen-Stiftung (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany 2005
 Aidoo, J  A social accounting matrix for estimating the effects of structural adjustment on farm households in Ghana.   In Kooperation mit Dr.  John Dixon von der FAO (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany 2004
 DeGraft-Acquah, H  Sustainability and outreach of rural banking institutions in Ghana (Unpublished master's thesis).  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. .  2004
 Mensah, A  Simulating rural development policy scenarios with programming models of farm households: The case of Central Sulawesi (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany. . .  2004

Completed PhD Theses

Name Topic Year
 Sariyev, O.   An analysis of gender in intra-household decision-making as an important socio-economic factor in agriculture-nutrition linkages.  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  Funded by DFG and the Foundation fiat panis 2021
 Bosch, C.   Agrofuels, large-scale agricultural production, and rural development – The case of Jatropha in Madagascar.  Funded by Stiftung Energieforschung Baden-Württemberg and Land Baden-Württemberg 2018
 Bryan, E.   Gender differences in climate change perceptions and resilience to climate change  ongoing
 Fortenbacher, D.   Farm decision making in the Philippine’ Uplands  ongoing
 Pérez, S. S.   Consumer acceptance of iron biofortified varieties of staple food crops.  University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart, Germany.  Funded by IFPRI/HarvestPlus 2019
 Ufer, S.   Impact analysis of credit access on farm production and household income using panel data from Northwest Vietnam  ongoing
 McNulty, E.   Microeconomic analysis of policies addressing food security, water and energy tradeoffs in Malawi and Mozambique  2017
 Schünemann, F.   Computable general equilibrium models for policy analysis of trade-offs and synergies regarding the food security, water, and energy nexus in Malawi and Mozambique  2017
 Huong, T. T. T.   Sharing forest resources in the northern uplands of Viet Nam: An institutional analysis  2016
 Dibba, Lamin   Assessing the adoption impact of NERICA and its complementary rice-based technologies on household food security in Gambia  2015
 Wiredu, A. N.   Impacts of fertilizer subsidy program on farm level productivity and food security for producing households in Ghana  2015
 Manasboonphempool, A.   A microeconomic analysis of household forest plantation in the Northern Uplands of Vietnam: Contributions to payments for environmental services policy  2014
 Khor, L. Y.   Agricultural input use, efficiency, and farmers' well-being in the North China plain  2013
 Loos, T.   Design and evaluation of alternative contracts in high-value animal and vegetable production of smallholders in Tanzania - Case studies using an experimental research design  2013
 Nielsen, T.   Risk preferences and intra-household financial decision-making in rural Vietnam  2013
 Saint-Macary, C.   Microeconomic impacts of institutional transformations in Vietnam's Northern Uplands: Empirical studies on social capital, land and credit institutions  2012
 Beuchelt, T.   Analysis of participation and welfare effects in certified coffee supply chains on small-scale farmers  2011
 Böber, C.   China in transition – Poverty, income decomposition and labor allocation by agricultural households in Hebei Province  2011
 Demeke, A.   Weather risk, social capital and household wellbeing in an agrarian economy: Empirical studies on Ethiopian smallholders  2011
 Grass, M.   Opportunities and constraints for agrofuels in developing countries: Case studies on economic viability and employment effects of Jatropha production  2011
 Milan, F.   Social performance of microfinance institutions: Theory and empirical measurement  2011
 Saigenji, Y.   Contract farming and its impact on production efficiency and rural household income in the Vietnamese tea sector  2011
 Alcaraz, G.   Locating the food insecure: A spatial analysis of Guatemala’s food security situation  2010
 Houssou, N.   Operational poverty targeting by proxy means tests: Models and policy simulations for Malawi  2010
 Jaffe, M.   Institutional change in Cuba’s agricultural sector  2010
 Seeberg-Elverfeldt, C.   Carbon finance schemes in Indonesia – Empirical evidence of their impact and institutional requirements  2008
 Johannsen, J.   Operational assessment of absolute expenditure poverty by proxy means tests – The example of Peru 2007
 Pham, H. D.   Community participation in the transfer of advanced technologies in agriculture to farm households in the mountainous region of Northern Vietnam  2007
 Sricharoen, T.   Vulnerability and risk management for sustainable livelihoods of farm households in Northern Thailand – The role of health insurance in managing risk  2007
 Agraja, L.   Analysis of comparative advantage of wheat production under transformation and trade liberalisation in Albania  2006
 Breisinger, C.   Infrastructure investments, growth and poverty: A two region computable general equilibrium model for Vietnam  2006
 Djeudja, R.   Les Effets du Crédit sur le Groupe Cible: Une Analyse d’Impact de l’Approche des MC2 avec ADAF et Afriland First Bank Cameroun  2006
 Djoum, S.   Structure, Performance et Portée des Institutions de Finance Rurale: Une Analyse du Réseau des Caisses Populaires du Cameroun  2006
 Dufhues, T.   Rural finance in Northern Vietnam  2006
 Istiquomah,   Determinants of rice market integration in Indonesia: Implications for agricultural price and rural infrastructure policy  2006
 Simtowe, F.    Performance and impact of microfinance: Evidence from Joint liability lending programs in Malawi  2006
 Wardhono, A.   Market access and dynamics of income and land use of rural households in central Sulawesi/Indonesia  2006
 Wollni, M.   Coping with the coffee crisis: An analysis of the production and marketing performance of coffee farmers in Costa Rica  2006
 Nuryartono, N.   Impact of smallholder access to land and credit markets on technology adoption and agricultural productivity: the case of Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia  2005
 Pham Manh, C.   Economic transformation, rural development and natural resource management in the uplands of northern Vietnam  2005
 Keil, A.   Socio-economic impact of ENSO-related climate variability on farm households’ in a rainforest margin area in Central Sulawesi  2004
 Mappatoba, M.   The influence of forest and nature conservation policies on resource management and rural livelihoods in rainforest margin areas: The case of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia  2004
 Mañez Costa, M. A   Incentives for biodiversity conservation: A micro-economic analysis of smallholder households in Guatemala  2004
 Schwarze, S.   Determinants of agricultural production and income generation of peasant farmers  2004
 Sander, K.   Conservation, compensation, and incentives – Valuation of forest resources and its implications for forest policies in the Northwest of Madagascar  2004
 Tuyet, V.    Development of an operational proxy-means method for measuring absolute poverty in rural Vietnam  no year


Winter and Summer Term:

Courses during the Winter Term

M 4901-420 Poverty and Development Strategies (M.Sc.)

Students learn methods/indicators to measure development, with a specific focus on agriculture, economic growth, poverty, equality, and food security.
This includes indicators of development, such as the Human Development Index, and development objectives and their relationships as well as conflicts between them. Data (mainly from World Bank and UN system) are presented on selected development indicators for all developing regions.
This is followed by a review of development theories (classical, balanced/unbalanced growth models, modernization theory, basic needs approach, role of transaction costs and rural institutions) and related development strategies and by a discussion of the underlying factors of development (as derived by the development theories), such as the endowment with natural resources and land, labor and population growth, and human, financial and social capital. The contributions of agriculture for overall development are presented.
Students learn also about the institutional setting of development aid. This concerns national and international development institutions including non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with their structures, roles and development approaches. Finally, students are introduced to several rural and agricultural development policies, with an emphasis on the role of the state for agricultural and rural development and sectoral policy instruments related to agricultural and food markets, land and rural finance, agricultural extension, and social safety net /public works policies.

M 4901-470 Quantitative Methods in Economics (M.Sc.)

Limited to 20 Participants. Registration in ILIAS compulsory!

This module consists of lectures and exercises in the computer lab. Its emphasis is on the design and execution of socio-economic research that investigates issues of rural or agricultural development in developing countries. The course mainly covers quantitative research methods that are used in development economics and in applied socio-economic research in developing countries.

The particular contents of the module are as follows:

  1.  Quantitative research designs in the social sciences
  2. The sampling process (constructing sampling frames, sampling procedures, sample size)
  3. The measurement of variables and questionnaire design (with group assignment)
  4. Data entry and data cleaning (with computer exercises)
  5. Overview of statistical instruments
  6. Parametric and non-parametric tests (with computer exercises)
  7. Principal component analysis (with computer exercises)
  8. Linear regression (with computer exercises)
  9. Binary response models (with computer exercises)
  10. Two-stage Heckman procedure for correcting sample selection bias (with computer exercises)



M 4901-810 Interdisciplinary Aspects of Food Security (PhD)

Scientific and interdisciplinary competence in issues of food availability, access, use, quality and safety as well as utilization
Specific topics of lectures:

  • Definition and measurement methods of food security at national, household and individual level 
  • Gender, food security and nutrition 
  • Food quality 
  • Global and regional challenges of food security, incl. global trends in food production and trade, causes, and economic im-plication 
  • Institutional policies (microfinance, land policy) and safety net policies 
  • Sustainability of food production 
  • Verifying new qualification by conducting interdisciplinary case studies on food policy 


  • Team ability

  • - Team competence, through case studies conducted by interdisciplinary groups
  • - Presentation skills
  • - Writing a seminar paper

Entwicklungspolitisches Seminar für Doktoranden und M.Sc. Studierende (PhD)

Doktoranden und M.Sc. Studierende des Fachgebiets 490A

präsentieren zu Inhalten, Fragen und Problemstellungen ihrer

wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten


Courses during the Summer Term

M 4901-430 Rural Development Policies and Institutions

The lecture covers rural finance, land tenure, risk sharing and other institutions. Students are introduced to two broad topics of rural development:


  1. Rural finance (approaches, question of interest rates and subsidies; savings and insurances, rural financial institutions)
  2. Land tenure and natural resource management (property rights, different tenure arrangements, e.g. fixed rent vs. sharecropping, land reform)

Furthermore, representing a global institution, the Kyoto Protocol and the progress made towards a successional agreement to curb greenhouse gas emissions are discussed.
Moreover, a workshop on literature search and writing and presentation techniques are an integral part of the module. These tools are subsequently applied by the students in the preparation and presentation of seminar papers on topics related to rural institutions.
Teaching methods: Lecture and discussion, literature review, writing of seminar papers, oral presentation by students and discussion.



Rural Development Seminar for PhD and M.Sc. Students

Lecturers:Dr. Tim Loos, Dr. Ling Yee Khor

Mo, 16-19 Uhr im S 14

Start Date: 13.10.2014


PhD and M.Sc. students of the Chair 490A present

contents, questions or problems concerning their scientific


4901-481 Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural Development Projects

The module consists of lectures as well as guided group work using case studies from recent projects implemented by international organizations such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The lecture covers important methods used in the design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects. It begins with the so-called theory of change that helps to map the logical chain of how project inputs achieve changes in outcomes. It then covers the various evaluation designs and methods used in practice and differentiates methods for data collection and monitoring by multiple stakeholders of development projects. Students are introduced to the rationale behind doing financial and economic appraisal of development projects. Furthermore, students will review existing rural development projects, implemented by IFAD and other organizations in a group work exercise.